नेपालसँग भएको कुटनितिक सम्बन्धको बारेमा सम्पूर्ण मिति सहित अहिले सम्मकै आधिकारीक जानकारी यहाँबाट प्राप्त गर्न सकिन्छ, यसका बारेमा विस्तृत रुपमा जान्नको लागि तल प्रराष्ट्र मन्त्रालयले राखेको जानकारी लिए पुग्छ किताब नै पढनु पर्दैन ।
Showing posts with label it. Show all posts
Showing posts with label it. Show all posts
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Thursday, April 4, 2019
बिभिन्न वंशका प्रथम र अन्तिम राजाहरु :
नेपालका पहिला राजा : धर्माकर/भुक्तमान
नेपालका पहिलो प्रमाणिक राजा : मानदेव
(१)गोपाल वंश
प्रथम राजा : भुमिगुप्त(भुक्तमान)
अन्तिम राजा : जितगुप्त
प्रथम राजा : बरसिंह
अन्तिम राजा : भुवनसिंह
प्रथम राजा : यलम्बर
अन्तिम राजा : गस्ती
प्रथम राजा : जयदेव प्रथम
अन्तिम राजा : जयकामदेव (जयदेव द्वितिय समेत भनिने )
प्रथम राजा : अरि मल्ल
अन्तिम राजा : यक्ष मल्ल
(उपत्यकाको राज्य विभाजन भएको सन्दर्भमा उपत्यकाका अन्तिम मल्ल राजा यक्ष मल्ल)
(६)कान्तिपुर रत्न मल्ल जयप्रकाश मल्ल
(७)ललितपुर रण मल्ल तेजनरसिंह मल
(८)भक्तपुर राय मल्ल रणजित मल्ल
(९)खस राज्य नागराज अभय मल्ल
(१०)सिम्रौनगढ(कर्णाटवंश) नान्यदेव हरसिंह देव
(११)पाल्पा रुद्र सेन पृथ्वीपाल सेन
(१२)जुम्ला बलिराज सुर्यमान शाह
(१३)अछाम देवचन्द्र योगेन्द्र शाह
(१४)जाजरकोट जक्ति सिंह स्वयंप्रकाश शाह
(१५)डोटी निरयपाल पहाडी शाही II
(१६)बझाङ शक्ती सिंह दिपक जंगबहादुर सिंह
(१७)गोरखा द्रब्य शाह पृथ्वीनारायण शाह
(१८)ठकुरीवंश भाष्कर देव शंकर देव
(१९)सोमवंश निमिस भाष्कर बर्मा
(२०)सुर्यवंश भुमी बर्मा बिजयकामदेव
(२१)गजुलकोट(रोल्पा) तुथा सिंह गजिन्द्रपालसिंह
(२२)पैयुँ राज्य रामसिंह सेन अकबर सेन
(२३)मकवानपुर लोहाङ सेन दिग्बन्धन सेन
(२४)सल्यान मामु शमसेरबहादुर शाह
(२५)शाहवंश कुलमण्डन शाह(खाँ) ज्ञानेन्द्र शाह
स्राेतः कमलप्रसाद भण्डारी
नेपालका पहिला राजा : धर्माकर/भुक्तमान
नेपालका पहिलो प्रमाणिक राजा : मानदेव
(१)गोपाल वंश
प्रथम राजा : भुमिगुप्त(भुक्तमान)
अन्तिम राजा : जितगुप्त
प्रथम राजा : बरसिंह
अन्तिम राजा : भुवनसिंह
प्रथम राजा : यलम्बर
अन्तिम राजा : गस्ती
प्रथम राजा : जयदेव प्रथम
अन्तिम राजा : जयकामदेव (जयदेव द्वितिय समेत भनिने )
प्रथम राजा : अरि मल्ल
अन्तिम राजा : यक्ष मल्ल
(उपत्यकाको राज्य विभाजन भएको सन्दर्भमा उपत्यकाका अन्तिम मल्ल राजा यक्ष मल्ल)
(६)कान्तिपुर रत्न मल्ल जयप्रकाश मल्ल
(७)ललितपुर रण मल्ल तेजनरसिंह मल
(८)भक्तपुर राय मल्ल रणजित मल्ल
(९)खस राज्य नागराज अभय मल्ल
(१०)सिम्रौनगढ(कर्णाटवंश) नान्यदेव हरसिंह देव
(११)पाल्पा रुद्र सेन पृथ्वीपाल सेन
(१२)जुम्ला बलिराज सुर्यमान शाह
(१३)अछाम देवचन्द्र योगेन्द्र शाह
(१४)जाजरकोट जक्ति सिंह स्वयंप्रकाश शाह
(१५)डोटी निरयपाल पहाडी शाही II
(१६)बझाङ शक्ती सिंह दिपक जंगबहादुर सिंह
(१७)गोरखा द्रब्य शाह पृथ्वीनारायण शाह
(१८)ठकुरीवंश भाष्कर देव शंकर देव
(१९)सोमवंश निमिस भाष्कर बर्मा
(२०)सुर्यवंश भुमी बर्मा बिजयकामदेव
(२१)गजुलकोट(रोल्पा) तुथा सिंह गजिन्द्रपालसिंह
(२२)पैयुँ राज्य रामसिंह सेन अकबर सेन
(२३)मकवानपुर लोहाङ सेन दिग्बन्धन सेन
(२४)सल्यान मामु शमसेरबहादुर शाह
(२५)शाहवंश कुलमण्डन शाह(खाँ) ज्ञानेन्द्र शाह
स्राेतः कमलप्रसाद भण्डारी
Friday, March 1, 2019
Friday, March 01, 2019
Shankar Aryal
it , job , PSC , TSC
सूचना तथा सञ्चार सङ सम्बन्धित केही मितिहरु स्थापना एवम् सुरुवात
१९३५ -------हुलाकको स्थापना
१९५५ -------प्रहिलो पत्रीका सुधासागरको प्रकाशन
१९५८ ------गोरखापत्रको प्रकाशन ( देवशमशेर)
१९७० ------नेपालमा टेलीफोनको सुरुवात
१९९२ ------स्थानिय टेलीफोनको सुरुवात
२००७ ------ रेडियो नेपालको स्थापना
२०२८ ------ पहिलो पटक कम्प्युटरको प्रयोग Computer Model IBM 1401
२०३२ -------दुरसञचार संस्थानको स्थापना
२०४२------- नेपालमा STD को सुरुवात
२०४१-------- नेपाली टेलिभिजनको स्थापना (प्रसारण सुरुवात : २०४२/१०/१७)
२०४४-------- नेपालमा ISTD को सुरुवात
२०५७-------- नेपालमा सूचना प्रविधी निती लागू
२०५८ ------नेपाल टेलिभिजन भु-सुचनामा आबद्ध
२०५९ ------- नेपालमा WiMax को सुरुवात
२०७३------नेपाल टेलिकमको 4G सेवा सुरु ( सन २०१७ जनवरी १ बाट)
( सनमा )
1972 ----- नेपालमा टेलेक्सको सुरुवात
1976------ Apple computer को निर्माण
1983 ----- सगरमाथामा भु-उपग्रहको स्थापना
1988----अन्तरास्ट्रिय गेटवे एक्सचेञ्जको स्थापना
1994----- Internet सेवको सुरुवात
1997------ WiFi को सुरुवात
1999 ------ मोबाइल फोनको सुरुवात
2010 ------- DTH को सुरुवात
1988------- Google को स्थापना June 28
2003------- Skype को स्थापना August
2004------ Facebook को स्थापना february 4
2005------ Youtube को स्थापना february 14
2006------ Twitter को स्थापना March 21 ==============================
१९३५ -------हुलाकको स्थापना
१९५५ -------प्रहिलो पत्रीका सुधासागरको प्रकाशन
१९५८ ------गोरखापत्रको प्रकाशन ( देवशमशेर)
१९७० ------नेपालमा टेलीफोनको सुरुवात
१९९२ ------स्थानिय टेलीफोनको सुरुवात
२००७ ------ रेडियो नेपालको स्थापना
२०२८ ------ पहिलो पटक कम्प्युटरको प्रयोग Computer Model IBM 1401
२०३२ -------दुरसञचार संस्थानको स्थापना
२०४२------- नेपालमा STD को सुरुवात
२०४१-------- नेपाली टेलिभिजनको स्थापना (प्रसारण सुरुवात : २०४२/१०/१७)
२०४४-------- नेपालमा ISTD को सुरुवात
२०५७-------- नेपालमा सूचना प्रविधी निती लागू
२०५८ ------नेपाल टेलिभिजन भु-सुचनामा आबद्ध
२०५९ ------- नेपालमा WiMax को सुरुवात
२०७३------नेपाल टेलिकमको 4G सेवा सुरु ( सन २०१७ जनवरी १ बाट)
( सनमा )
1972 ----- नेपालमा टेलेक्सको सुरुवात
1976------ Apple computer को निर्माण
1983 ----- सगरमाथामा भु-उपग्रहको स्थापना
1988----अन्तरास्ट्रिय गेटवे एक्सचेञ्जको स्थापना
1994----- Internet सेवको सुरुवात
1997------ WiFi को सुरुवात
1999 ------ मोबाइल फोनको सुरुवात
2010 ------- DTH को सुरुवात
1988------- Google को स्थापना June 28
2003------- Skype को स्थापना August
2004------ Facebook को स्थापना february 4
2005------ Youtube को स्थापना february 14
2006------ Twitter को स्थापना March 21 ==============================
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Monday, September 25, 2017
Monday, September 11, 2017
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Saturday, September 09, 2017
Shankar Aryal
Force , INSURANCE , it , PSC
नेपाल विविध सेवा, राजपत्र अनंकित प्रथम श्रेणी (प्राविधिक), कम्प्युटर अपरेटर नासु वा सो सरह पदको प्रतियोगितात्मक लिखित परीक्षाको सम्भाव्य उत्तरहरू
1. Bold, Italic, Regular are known as | Font Styles |
2. Keyboard Shortcuts to inserts a column break and start a new column immediately? | Cltr+Shift+Enter |
3. …….combination of keys are used for paste the text | Shift+Insert |
4. The A4 paper width/height is…. | 8.27”X11.69” |
5. In Ms Excel, which of the following is an absolute cell reference? | $A$1 |
6. What function displays row data in a column or column data in a row? | Transpose |
7. In Ms Excel, a function inside another function is a……function | Nested |
8. Which of the following methods cannot be used to enter data in a cell? | Pressing the Esc Key |
9. Which options allows you to bold all the negative values within the selected cell range | Conditional formatting |
10. In excel, by default numeric values appears in | Right aligned |
11. What would be result if you type=A1=B1 in cell C1 | True or False |
12. In Ms Excel, concatenation of text can be done using | Ampersand (&) |
13. In Ms Excel, getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is called | Referencing |
14. Which of the following is not a valid data type in excel | Character |
15. Which of the following is the correct order of keywords for SQL SELECT statements? | SELECT, FROM, WHERE |
16. In MS ACCESS, technique to speed up data retrieval is | Indexing |
17. The technique which define a set of values acceptable for the field is known as | Validation |
18. DDL stands for | Data Definition Language |
19. ….. is a tool to automate tasks and add functionality to your forms, reports and controls | Macros |
20. Which of the following is not an option when printing handouts? | Five slides per page |
21. ….. Refers to the way things are arranged on a slide | Slide layout |
22. What is a motion path? | A method of moving items on a slide |
23. Which of the following HTML tag has an attribute called Frame? | <frameset> |
24. How can you make a bulleted list? | <ul> |
25. How long is an IPv6 | 128 bits |
26. Total number of bits in 1KB is | 8192 bits |
27. What is the size of source and destination, IP address in IP header? | 32 bits |
28. Text within <EM>…</EM> tag displays test in …… format. | Italic |
29. CAD stands for | Computer Aided Design |
30. The memory which is programmed only at the time of manufacture is | ROM |
31. A Computer program that converts program into machinie language all at once | Compiler |
32. The ratio of the horizontal length to the vertical length in monitor is called | Aspect Ratio |
33. Number of bits in Nepali Unicode character is | 32bit |
34. Location where the 1st computer instructions available on boot up is | BIOS |
35. In NIC specification 10/100/1000 refers to | Megabits per seconds |
36. In Electronic Transaction Act of Nepal, the method of digital signature is | Private-public key |
37. Maximum number of hosts on a local subnet that uses subnnet mask is… | 30 |
38. RS-232 is standard that applies to | Serial ports |
39. Hexadecimal value 20 is equivalent to decimal number | 32 |
40. In computing, what is the process by which a running computer system is restated without the need to interrupt the power? | Warm Boot |
41. The….folder is the default place that most application want to store data files in. | My Documents |
42. …. Tool helps to reduce file access time form disk. | Disk defragmenter |
43. Which is not true for operating system? | Solves users actual problems |
44. … allow(s) us to organize our files so we can more easily find them. | Folders |
45. What is the keyboard shortcut to create copyright symbol © in MS-WORD? | Alt+Ctrl+C |
46. In MS-Word, ‘Cover Page’ option is available in tab | Insert |
47. Keyboard shortcut to insert an equation in MS-Word. | Alt+= |
48. Not an option in printed watermark of MS Word | Logo Watermark |
49. Shortcut key to open the open dialog box in MS-Word is | Ctrl+F12 |
50. What is the maximum number of lines you can set for a drop cap? | 10 |
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Shankar Aryal
Banks , it , PSC
महत्त्वपूर्ण CTRL A–Z सम्म M.S.Word शर्टकट बटनहरु ।
➤ CTRL + A = Select text
➤ CTRL + B = Bold text
➤ CTRL + C = Copy text
➤ CTRL + D = Open font formatting window
➤ CTRL + E = Center text
➤ CTRL + F = Find a phrase
➤ CTRL + G = Go To a specific page or bookmark
➤ CTRL + H = Replace text with another text
➤ CTRL + I = Italic text
➤ CTRL + J = Justify text
➤ CTRL + K = Open Insert Hyperlink window
➤ CTRL + L = Left align text
➤ CTRL + M = Indent a paragraph from the left
➤ CTRL + N = Open new Word document
➤ CTRL + O = Open an existing Word document
➤ CTRL + P = Print Word document
➤ CTRL + Q = Remove paragraph formatting
➤ CTRL + R = Right align text
➤ CTRL + S = Save Word document ➤ CTRL + T = Create a hanging indent
➤ CTRL + U = Underline text
➤ CTRL + V = Paste text
➤ CTRL + W = Close Word document
➤ CTRL + X = Cut text
➤ CTRL + Y = Redo an action previously undone
➤ CTRL + Z = Undo a previous action
➤ CTRL + B = Bold text
➤ CTRL + C = Copy text
➤ CTRL + D = Open font formatting window
➤ CTRL + E = Center text
➤ CTRL + F = Find a phrase
➤ CTRL + G = Go To a specific page or bookmark
➤ CTRL + H = Replace text with another text
➤ CTRL + I = Italic text
➤ CTRL + J = Justify text
➤ CTRL + K = Open Insert Hyperlink window
➤ CTRL + L = Left align text
➤ CTRL + M = Indent a paragraph from the left
➤ CTRL + N = Open new Word document
➤ CTRL + O = Open an existing Word document
➤ CTRL + P = Print Word document
➤ CTRL + Q = Remove paragraph formatting
➤ CTRL + R = Right align text
➤ CTRL + S = Save Word document ➤ CTRL + T = Create a hanging indent
➤ CTRL + U = Underline text
➤ CTRL + V = Paste text
➤ CTRL + W = Close Word document
➤ CTRL + X = Cut text
➤ CTRL + Y = Redo an action previously undone
➤ CTRL + Z = Undo a previous action
Ms Excel शर्टकटहरुः
➤ F2 – edit the selected cell
➤ F5- Go to the specific cell
➤ F7 – spell check of the selected text
➤ F11- Create the chart
➤ CTRL+SHIFT+; – enter the current time
➤ CTRL+; - Enter the current date
➤ ALT+SHIFT+F1- insert the new worksheet
➤ SHIFT + F3- Open the formula window
➤ SHIFT + F5- open the search box ➤ CTRL+D- Fill the cell
➤ CTRL+G- Open the go to option
➤ CTRL+O – Open option
➤ CTRL+P- Open the print dialogue box
➤ CTRL+F9- Minimize the current window
➤ CTRL+F10- Maximize the current selected window
➤ CTRL+F6- Switch between the open worksheets
➤ SHIFT+SPACE- Select entire row
➤ CTRL + SPACE- Select entire column
➤ CTRL+W- Close the window
➤ CTRL+TAB- Move between two or more open excel files
➤ F2 – edit the selected cell
➤ F5- Go to the specific cell
➤ F7 – spell check of the selected text
➤ F11- Create the chart
➤ CTRL+SHIFT+; – enter the current time
➤ CTRL+; - Enter the current date
➤ ALT+SHIFT+F1- insert the new worksheet
➤ SHIFT + F3- Open the formula window
➤ SHIFT + F5- open the search box ➤ CTRL+D- Fill the cell
➤ CTRL+G- Open the go to option
➤ CTRL+O – Open option
➤ CTRL+P- Open the print dialogue box
➤ CTRL+F9- Minimize the current window
➤ CTRL+F10- Maximize the current selected window
➤ CTRL+F6- Switch between the open worksheets
➤ SHIFT+SPACE- Select entire row
➤ CTRL + SPACE- Select entire column
➤ CTRL+W- Close the window
➤ CTRL+TAB- Move between two or more open excel files
Friday, February 3, 2017
Friday, February 03, 2017
Shankar Aryal
Banks , Corporation , Force , it , job , PSC , TSC , videos , WORLD
केही खेलकुद र आगामी आयोजनाहरू
१. आठौँ राष्ट्रिय खेलकुद(२०७५) ----> मध्यपश्चिमाञ्चल
२. फिफा विश्वकप फुटबल(२०१८)----> रसिया
३. फिफा विश्वकप फुटबल(२०२२)----> कतार
४. फिफा महिला विश्वकप फुटबल(२०१९)----> फ्रान्स
५. युरोकप फुटबल(२०२०) ----> युरोपको विभिन्न २० सहर
६. ३२ औ ग्रिष्मकालिन ओलम्पिक(२०२०) ----जापान
७. १६ औ ग्रिष्मकालिन पाराओलम्पिक(२०२०) ----जापान
८. २३ औ शितकालिन ओलम्पिक(२०१८)---> दक्षिण कोरिया
९. कमनवेल्थ खेलकुद(२०१८) ---> गोल्डकोष्ट, अष्ट्रेलिया
१०. १२ औ १ दिवशिय क्रिकेट विश्वकप(२०१९)----> ईङ्गल्याण्ड
११. १३ औ १ दिवशिय क्रिकेट विश्वकप(२०२३)----> भारत
१२. T-20 विश्वकप क्रिकेट(२०२०) ---> अष्ट्रेलिया
१३. ५ औ T-20 महिला विश्वकप क्रिकेट(२०१८)--> वेष्ट ईण्डिज
१४. छैटौ औ T-20 महिला विश्वकप क्रिकेट(२०२०)--> अष्ट्रेलिया
१५. १२ औ U-19 विश्वकप क्रिकेट(२०१८)--> न्युजिल्यान्ड
१६. १४ औ एशिया कप क्रिकेट(२०१८)---> भारत
१७. १८ औ एसियाली खेलकुद(२०१८)----> जाकार्ता, ईन्डोनेसिया
१८. १३ औ दक्षिण एसियाली खेलकुद(२०१९)----> नेपाल
१९. दशौँ साफ च्याम्पियनसिप(२०१७)----> बंगलादेश
२०. ४६ औ कोपा अमेरिकि कप(२०२०)---> ब्राजिलप्रकाशित मितीः २०७३।१०।२१
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Shankar Aryal
Banks , Culture , health , it , job , knowledge , PSC , tips tricks , TSC
"अन्तर्वातामा कसरी सफल हुने"
अन्तर्वातामा सफल उम्मेद्धार दरिनका लागी अन्तर्वाताका मुलभुत पक्षहरुलाई बुझेर तत्तत विषयमा यथोचित तयारी गर्नु प्रथम र आधारभुत शर्त हुन जान्छ । त्यसैले ती महत्वपुर्ण मक्षहरुमा चर्चा गर्नु सान्दर्भिक हुनेछ ।
अन्तर्वार्तामा प्रस्तुत हुदा ध्यानदिन पर्ने कुराहरु
प्रस्तुत कर्ताः शंकर अर्याल
सन्दर्भ समाग्रीः टंक केसि तथा अनलार्इन पत्र पत्रिका
The following is a list of MS-DOS version 5.0 internal and external commands. The internal commands reside in COMMAND.COM, which loads into memory when the computer system is started; these commands do not reside on disk. The external commands are files that do reside on disk and have an extension of .COM, .EXE, or .BAT. Both command types are executed from the MS-DOS prompt.
Internal Commands
- IF
- EMM386.EXE
Source: Microsoft
Friday, June 10, 2016
1-1. Which of the
following syntax is correct regarding to SUM function in Excel?
A. =SUM (A3, C2)
B. =SUM (A1:C9)
C. =SUM (A3:A11, C2:C10)
D. All of the above
B. =SUM (A1:C9)
C. =SUM (A3:A11, C2:C10)
D. All of the above
1-2. what is
the shortcut key to hide entire column?
A. CTRL + -
B. CTRL + 0
1-3. How to specify cell range from A9 to A99 in
A. (A9, A99)
B. (A9 to A99)
C. (A9 : A99)
D. (A9 – A99)
B. (A9 to A99)
C. (A9 : A99)
D. (A9 – A99)
1-4.Selecting the Column
G & H then choose Insert->Columns. What will happen?
A. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column F
B. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column G
C. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column H
D. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column I
A. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column F
B. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column G
C. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column H
D. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column I
1-5. How to restrict
the values of a cell so that only whole numbers between 9 and 99 can be entered
in a cell.
A. The Settings tab under the menu Format -> Cells
B. The Settings tab under the menu Data -> Validation
C. The Settings tab under the menu Data -> Filter -> Advanced Filter
D. the Settings tab under the menu Format -> Conditional Formatting
A. The Settings tab under the menu Format -> Cells
B. The Settings tab under the menu Data -> Validation
C. The Settings tab under the menu Data -> Filter -> Advanced Filter
D. the Settings tab under the menu Format -> Conditional Formatting
1-6.Clear the contents
by pressing “DELETE” key from a keyboard will clear
A. Text Only
B. Format Only
C. Contents Only
D. Both Contents and Format
B. Format Only
C. Contents Only
D. Both Contents and Format
1-7.Which of the
following shortcuts can be used to insert a new line in the same cell?
A. Enter
B. Alt + Enter
C. Ctrl + Enter
D. Shift + Enter
A. Enter
B. Alt + Enter
C. Ctrl + Enter
D. Shift + Enter
1-8.What is the
quickest way to select entire worksheet?
A. Choose Edit -> Select all from the Menu
B. Click on the first column, press Ctrl, and then click on the last column
C. Click on the first column, press Shift, and then click on the last column
A. Choose Edit -> Select all from the Menu
B. Click on the first column, press Ctrl, and then click on the last column
C. Click on the first column, press Shift, and then click on the last column
D. Click on the rectangle box on the upper left corner where column headings and row headings meet
1-9.A smart tag will
be removed from a cell when
A. the cell is moved
B. the cell is hidden
C. the data in the cell is changed or deleted
D. the formatting of the cell is changed
A. the cell is moved
B. the cell is hidden
C. the data in the cell is changed or deleted
D. the formatting of the cell is changed
1-10. Which of the
following options is appropriate to show the numbers 9779851089510 in a cell?
A. Enclose the number is brackets
B. Place the character T before the number
C. Place the character TX before the number
D. Apply the Text format in the cell and type the numbers
A. Enclose the number is brackets
B. Place the character T before the number
C. Place the character TX before the number
D. Apply the Text format in the cell and type the numbers
1-5. B,
1-7. B,
1-10, D
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Thursday, June 09, 2016
Shankar Aryal
Culture , it , knowledge , MCQs , News , PSC , Rules , tips tricks , TSC
- चुरे पर्वतवारे सँक्षेपमा लेख्नुहोस् । ५
उत्तरM नेपालको सवैभन्दा दक्षिणी भागमा अवस्थित पुर्व देखि पश्चिम सम्म फैलिएको ६१० मिटर देखि १८७२ मिटरसम्मको उचाई भएको पर्वत मालालाई चुरे पर्वतमाला भनिन्छ । यसलाई भारतमा शिवालिक पर्वतमाला र वर्मामा ईरावादी पर्वत माला भनिन्छ । चुरे पर्वत वालुवा , कङ्कड , पत्थर , अभ्रख आदि मिश्रीत भई बनको छ । पुर्वमा होचो तर पश्चिम तफै क्रमशM अग्लिदै चुरे पर्वतको सवैभन्दा अग्लो भाग ९४६२ फिट उचाई ( गार्वा ) कैलाली जिल्लामा पर्दछ । चुरे पर्वत पुर्वमा ५ माईल , मध्य तराईमा १० माईल , दाङ देउखुरी उपत्यकामा १२ माईल र सुदुरपश्चिममा ५ माईल फराकिलो भएको छ ।
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Wednesday, June 08, 2016
Shankar Aryal
Culture , it , job , knowledge , tips tricks
This MCQ set is prepared by Shnakar Aryal Who has passed Computer operator Examinations in Nepal.
1. Which option is found in formatting toolbar?
a. Outside Border
b. Insert Table
c. Document Map
d. Show/Hide button
2. Which not valid on table>auto fit options
a. Auto fit content
b. Fixed column width
c. Auto fit to window
d. hide gridlines
3. How many recent opened file listed in the file menu.
a. 9
b. 12
c. 4
d. 6
4. We can convert the text from the table menu.
a. Table to Text
b. Text to Table
c. Both are valid
d. None of the above
5. What is shortcut key for Microsoft script editor?
a. Alt+shift+F11
b. Shift+Ctrl+F11
c. Alt+Ctrl+F11
d. Alt+F11
6. How many options available to make check mark on the auto
correct tab in tools menu?
a. 8
b. 9
c. 7
d. 10
7. Auto Summarize options available in ……………… menu.
a. Insert
b. Table
c. Tools
d. edit
8. How many types of change case?
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
9. We can add the field form………………. Menu.
a. File
b. Edit
c. Table>Column
d. Insert
10. Which is not valid to
Format>Font tab>Complex Script
a. Font
b. font Style
c. underline style
d. size
11. How many types of object tab
in insert menu?
a. 2
b. 3
4. 4
5. None
12. Which is not available on zoom
dialog box?
a. Many Page
b. Whole Page
c. Current Page
d. Text width
13. How may tabs are there in find
and replace option in edit menu?
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. five
14. Which is not available in
permission sub option in file menu?
a. Unregistered Access
b. Do not distribute
c. Restrict Permission As
d. Versions
15. Arrange all option located in
a. Tools Menu
b. Window Menu
c. Format Menu >Arrange all
d. Insert Menu >Arrange all
16. How many rows we can insert
form table menu as maximum?
a. 65536
b. 32000
c. 32767
d. Unlimited
17. What is shortcut key for
insert sheet in excel?
a. Alt+F11
b. Shift+F11
c. Ctrl+F11
d. Shift+10
18. Which toolbar has a help logo
in excel?
a. Standard Toolbar
b. Formatting Toolbar
c. Drawing Toolbar
d. Help not found in toolbar
19. What is default font name
& font size in excel 2003 ?
a. Calibri 10
b. Calibri 12
c. Arial black 12
d. Arial 10
20. What is shortcut key for
insert time in excel?
a. Ctrl+:
b. Ctrl+Shift+:
c. Shift+Ctrl+;
d. Alt+Ctrl+;
21. How many default spreadsheet
solution located in file>On my computer>Spreadsheet Solution tabs 2003?
a. 3
22. How to select all the rows and
columns on one sheet at once?
a. Press Ctrl+Spacebar key and
then quick press Shift+Spacebar Holding Ctrl key
b. Press Shift+Spacebar key and
then quick press Ctrl+Spacebar Holding Shift key
c. Press Ctrl+A
d. All are Valid
23. What is found the quick access
menu bar as default in excel 2007?
a. Save, Undo, Redo
b. Undo, Save As, Redo
c. Save As, Open, Undo
d. None of the above
24. How many check boxes available
in format cell dialog box on protection tab?
a. Hide/Show
b. Procect/Permission
c. Locked/Hidden
d. Hidden/Protect
25. How to Change the Microsoft excel menu
Tools>Options>Transition>Navigation key
Tools>Options>General>Change excel menu key
26. What is extension file of excel file
a. .xls
b. xlsx
c. xlt
d. a and b
27. What is shortcut key for
research in excel?
a. Ctrl+Click
b. Shift+Click
c. Ctrl+Shift+Click
d. Alt+Click
28. Validation options is located
in …..Menu?
a. Tools
b. Data
c. Insert
d. Window
29. From which menu we can make a
lookup wizard and how many steps there in lookup wizard?
a. Data menu 4 Steps
b. Data Menu 5 Steps
c. Tool Menu 4 Steps
d. Tool Menu 5 Steps
30. Contact Us options is located
in excel 2003?
a. Tools Menu
b. Data Menu
c. Window Menu
d. None
31. When was the Charles Babbage
born? And where?
a. December 26, 1791, London,
United Kingdom
b. December 26, 1791, California
c. December 26, 1791, Canada
d. December 26, 1771, London,
United Kingdom
32. A function that
does not return any data is called as _______ function
a. int
b. float
c. void
d. recursive
33. When a key is
pressed on keyboard, which standard is used for converting the keystroke into
the corresponding bits
d. ISO
34. Which characteristics of computer distinguishes it from
electronic calculation?
a. Accuracy
b. Storage
c. Versatility
d. Automatic
35. Keyboard Converts typed in
character to ___________code
c. Decimal
d. Binary
36. The list of coded instructions is called
a. Computer Program
b. Algorithm
c. Flowchart
d. Utility Program
37. Which of the following is valid storage type?
a. CPU
b. Keyboard
c. Pen Drive
Track Ball
38. __________ Interprets and executes set of instruction
a. CPU
b. VDU
c. Printer
d. Scanner
39. When was first computer
lunched in Nepal AD?
a. 1971
b. 1981
c. 1973
d. 1972
40. Cassette Tape is …
a. Direct Access
b. Sequential Access
c. Both can be access
d. None
41. Full Form of DVD
a. Data Video Device
b. Digital Video Disk
c. Digital Versatile Display
d. Digital Versatile Disk
42. There are ………….. types of DOS Command.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
43. Mac Address is ……….. Bytes long.
a. 12 Nibble
b. 32 Bits
c. 48 Bytes
c. 16 Bytes
44. First ISP of Nepal ?
a. Mercantile
b. Word Link
c. Nepal Telecome
d. None
45. What is application file name
of MS Access?
a. access
b. microsoftaccess
c. msaccess
d. all
46. Which toolbars has a relationship
a. Review Toolbars
b. Database Toolbars
c. Standard Toolbars
c. Table and Query Toolbars
47. There are …………… menus found in
access 2003.
a. 6
b. 7
c. 8
d. 9
48. How many default slides in
Power point starting.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
49. What is shortcut key for Task
pane in Microsoft power point?
a. Ctrl+F2
b. Ctrl+F3
c. Ctrl+F1
d. Ctrl+F4
50. Online Collaboration is
located in which menu?
a. Insert
b. Window
c. Help
d. Tools
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